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Salesforce Partner

Salesforce On-Demand Admin

WhiteRock’s On-Demand Admin service helps organizations accelerate their success with Salesforce and other cloud services by offering additional resources and expertise to assist with system administration, customization, maintenance, and optimization. We’re here for you – simply tell us what services you require and we’ll make it happen.

Salesforce for Life Sciences

Looking for some short-term Salesforce support?

WhiteRock is proud to offer an admin-on-demand service for Salesforce & other cloud platforms. When you work with our team, a dedicated certified On-Demand Salesforce Admin handles all aspects of your engagement with us. Supplement your Salesforce efforts and resources with an expert who keeps their eyes on the prize.

If you need a technical expert but aren’t able to bring one onto your own internal team, our On-Demand Admin service could be the solution you’ve been looking for. We’ll provide short-term, temporary assistance that is tactical in nature. The objective is to correct, repair, or add to the system to help solve a specified problem in need of immediate remedy. This on-demand Salesforce consulting service is a prepaid service where hours can be purchased in advance. WhiteRock will help you with budgeting to know approximately the number of hours that will be needed to achieve your goals.